What’s New in Release 2011.3
Email Deliverability
- Implement dedicated mail transfer application (MTA) to send high volume emails
- Proactively monitor IP reputation to improve email deliverability
- Automatically resize large email images to decrease load times
- Maintain image quality for all email images
- Update notice emails sent to client
New Custom Teaser Requirements
- Ability to clients to make updates and design requests for custom teasers
- Streamlined user interface
Listing Engines
- Support the creation and display of custom fields
- Ability to set default display order: by name, date, or custom
- Support for large primary listing images
- Decrease time to display Listing Engines
Simplify process to send document alerts
- Option to verify list of recipients prior to sending
- Ability to send test alerts
- Prevent alerts from being sent from wrong project
Other Enhancements and Updates
- Allow clients to search, filter, and manage their projects through My Projects
- Include direct links to Executive Summary VDR administrative modules in My Projects
- Streamline ability to automatically select qualified buyers based on asset criteria
- Simplify Virtual Deal Room permissions for client administrators
- Allow clients to create new project administrators
- Improve process to display PDF brochures, agreements, and reports
- Update Email Template editor to better support IE9 and Google Chrome
- Add countdown indicator to project description and summary fields
- Include confidentiality notice in PDf watermark
- Ability to quickly sort exported reports
- Warn clients if large brochure file is uploaded
- Prevent clients from uploading landing page images in Teaser Files area
- Include additional information in Final Approval form
- Prevent file extensions from being changed
- Allow large file uploads through File Manager utility
- Open user profiles from Offers Report
- Deliver enhanced mapping functionality to Listing Engines(tm)
- Increase accuracy of location geocoding
- Use project name as landing page title
- Support alternative column names for project import/update
- Allow unlimited characters in custom VDR Banners
- Simplify selection process for Loan Sales secondary attributes
- Update reference to old “Traffic Report” to “Activity Report”
- Correct formatting of My Projects export spreadsheet
- Don’t display Canadian province codes
- Allow Scheduled Broadcast window to be opened immediately after scheduling a broadcast
- Display contact information only for listing contacts after project import/update
- Allow all Mac users to open archive containing downloaded VDR files
- Require users to login when clicking “update my profile” link in emails
- Sent notice email when project name is changed after project import/update
- Clear link restrictions when project is reset
- Eliminate environment single point of failure by replacing IIS Session management
- Create default broker agreement settigns when copying projects
- Allow users to restart multi-file upload process
- Allow .csv files to be uploaded into Virtual Deal Rooms
- Prevent invalid PDF files from being uploaded as brochures or agreements
- Search for companies when adding buyers to Communication Console
- Streamline Bounce Tracker export to focus on important information
- Treat unsubscribed user links the same as expired user links
- Copy Group Security settings when copying projects
- Disable Listing tab for expired projects
- Display email subject lines correctly in Bounce Tracker
- Expand list of tags that can be inserted into Email Templates
- Don’t allow more than one From address in Email Templates
- Support drag resize of images in Email Templates
- Allow quotes and other special characters in friendly alias
- Don’t include clicks from administrative pages in Listing Engine analytics reports
- Allow IE9 users to select individual documents in Group Security configuration
- Allow IE9 users to select investment criteria on user profiles
- Allow IE9 users to see full contents of Project ID column
- Prevent deleted records from being recreated during user import
- Allow em-dash and other characters in folders during multi-file uploads
- Allow clients to expire users after advanced searching
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