What’s New in Release 2022.3

Version 2022.3 was released on June 16th, 2022. 

Enhanced Capabilities for Enterprise Customers

  • Brokers can now generate a shareable link and use in their marketing materials to navigate prospective buyers to view only that brokers’ listings.
  • LightBox RCM shares even more data to allow brokers get specific insights into buyer database activity.

Core Platform Updates

  • Date & Time Localization will enable brokers to view all user activity (Broadcasts, Virtual Deal Room, User Notes) in brokers’ local time zone so they can easily analyze time-based user behavior and gather context for follow-up conversations with potential buyers.
  • Brokers can customize fields that display on the Modern Landing Page header to give buyers a richer landing page viewing experience.

Security Updates

  • This release also includes an array of security and performance updates which allow users to continue to perform business operations safely, securely, and quickly.
  • Implemented automation to certain parts of the platform to support ongoing maintenance and monitoring.